Digital Miko - The Beauty and the cat

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"Razorblade Kiss"

Thursday -May 13, 2004
[Miko] - 3:59 pm (pacific)

Oh Gawd it too me forever to get this done. I'm sorry everyone. At least I did something fancy for you! I used my copic markers to make it look pretty! Aren't you happy? Yeah...Don't worry, I will get the other ones out on time. XD Or die trying!

Things are up and down for me. I got my own artsite up. Razorblade Studios. Check it out, Woor!


"I like reality. It tastes of bread."

Sunday - May 9, 2005
[Neko-kun] - 11:15 pm (pacific)

Hey there everyone! ^^~ It's the catman again... ^^~ Anyways, as you may see, I am the slacker of the group: I just have to come up with the occasional jokes while Yokie does the web design, the art, works to keep her site costs, looks for the profile pictures and just plain works! If you check out the rants, Yokie has to come up with a new one for every update, but I've hardly written three of them ever since the re-opening of the comic.

Well, it isn't getting better. You see, my school actually decided to pass an internship program, and the week from the 10 to the 14, I'll be actually working. If that isn't enough to discourage you, I'm full of exams and homework for the next weeks. But fear not,f or I shall not diminish the quality nor the quantity of the scripts... In fact, I may end up making better stuff those days, and more frequently... ^^U

But fear not,f or I shall not diminish the quality nor the quantity of the scripts... In fact, I may end up making better stuff those days, and more frequently... ^^U

Anyways, just a slight heads-up... Take care everyone, and don't forget the Kowai Neko San!

Oh, and I'll reveal the secrets to writing long rants in my next rant... ;P... The secret of Neko-kun is revealed!!!

Digital Miko - © 2003 Andrea Haught. all rights reserved.